01/ Company details
This section displays the vital information of your Company. If you wish to edit the details, follow the steps below.
Steps to edit your Company details:
- Go to Profile
in your Home page.
- Click Edit
at the right section of the Company Details header and you will be redirected to the Edit Profile.
- Fill out all the required fields marked with an asterisk (*).
- Click Save
to save the changes or click Cancel
to discard your inputs.
02/ Activity feed
Your Activity Feed displays all the actions that took place in your Account. It tracks the date and time when a User added a product or uploaded a new Safety data Sheet (SDS), and every action that the User has performed in your Account.
To view your Activity Feed, follow the steps below.
Steps to view your Activity Feed:
- Go to Profile
tab in your Home page.
- Click on the Activity tab located on the middle section of the page. This action will redirect you to the Activity Feed page where you can view the list of activity updates performed with dates, and the User name of who made the edits.
You can sort what will appear in the list of your Activity Feed according to its corresponding category. You can select to display the dates for when your Company Details were updated, when a New Contact was added and more.
Steps to sort the list of your Activity Feed:
- Go to Profile
tab in your Home page.
- Click on the Activity tab located on the middle section of the page and this will redirect you to the Activity Feed.
- To select the category list, click the Category drop-down menu.
- Details of your selected category can be viewed immediately.
03/ Documents
The system allows you to edit any document that was uploaded to your Account. If you wish to edit document details, follow the steps below.
Steps to edit the details of the document in your Account:
- Go to the Profile
tab in your Home page.
- Click on the Documents tab located on the middle right section of the page.
- Click the document that you want to edit. You will be then redirected to the Document Details.
- Click the Edit Document Details
located on the right part of the page.
- Fill in all required fields marked with an asterisk (*).
- Click Save
to complete the update or Cancel
to discard your inputs.
You can upload any document that contains supporting information about your Company. If you wish to upload a document, follow the steps below.
Steps to upload a document to your Account:
- Go to Profile
tab in your Home page.
- Click on the Documents tab located on the middle right section of the page.
- Click the Upload Document
on the right section of the page.
- Click Choose File
to select and upload a file from your local drive. You can also add a Document Name and Description forthe document that you are about to upload.
- Click Upload
to complete the process or Cancel
to discard your inputs.
You can also download any document that was previously uploaded in your Profile. If you wish to download a document, follow the steps below.
Steps to download a document from your Account:
- Go to Profile
tab in your Home page.
- Click on the Documents tab located on the middle right section of the page.
- Click the Download
under the Action column of the document that you want to download. The download will automatically start and the file will be stored in your local drive.
You can upload a new version of a previously uploaded document in your Profile without deleting the previous versions. Your document versions are listed chronologically with the most recent on top. If you wish to upload a new version, follow the steps below.
Steps to upload a new version of your document:
- Go to the Profile
tab in your Home page.
- Click on the Documents tab located on the middle right section of the page.
- Click the document to which you want to upload a new version. You will be then redirected to the Document Details.
- Click the Upload New Version
located on the right part of the page. This action will prompt you to select a file for uploading.
- Click Choose File
to select and upload a new file from your local drive. You can also add a description about the file you are about to upload.
- Click Upload
to complete the process or Cancel
to discard your inputs.
You can download any version of the documents saved in your Profile. If you wish to download, follow the steps below.
Steps to download the old/current version of your documents:
- Go to the Profile
tab in your Home page.
- Click on the Documents tab located on the middle right section of the page.
- Click Download
under the Action column of the file that you wish to download. The download will automatically begin and the file will be saved in your local drive