The calculation formula of scores on the ClearStream report is as follows:
Conventional, Anions, and Metal Parameters
- Substances meeting Foundational limits: 1 point each
- Substances meeting Progressive limits: 2 points each
- Substances meeting Aspirational limits: 3 points each
MRSL Parameters
All substances meeting the limit value are counted as 1 point each.
Sludge Parameters
Scoring is not applicable. If all parameters are compliant, then the ClearStream report will generate a “green tick” under the sludge section. If at least one parameter is not compliant, then the ClearStream report will generate a “red cross” under the sludge section. This means that the sludge does not meet the required disposal parameters and the supplier should change the disposal pathway to align with the disposal parameters. Suitable disposal pathways are mentioned in the ClearStream report.
Below are the scores allocated to each scenario of wastewater discharge. Please note that total scores for each section of parameters are different for each scenario based on the applicable parameters. The applicable parameters will be determined based on the EDR (Electronic Data Reporting) questionnaire answered by the laboratory. Therefore, the facilities need to ensure that they disclose all relevant information regarding their operations, discharge type, wastewater generation volumes, etc. when laboratories request them to complete the EDR before sampling.