Bookmarking allows Brands to easily locate suppliers without the need to search every time. This guide will show you how to bookmark a supplier and your brand profile.
01/ Bookmarking a Supplier
To bookmark a supplier, follow the steps below.
- Click SEARCH on the left vertical tab.
Each of these can be filtered by:
- Type
- Organisation Type
- Reports- Date Updated
- Date Joined, and
- LocationNote:
You can choose between these organisation types:
- Brand
- Certification Organisation
- Formulator
- Laboratory, and
- Supplier. -
Click to bookmark a supplier.
Note: Once you have added a bookmark, the bookmark icon's color changes to .
To verify a bookmark, follow the steps below.
Note: The organisation list is arranged from the latest updated date.
Viewing Profile
When you’ve bookmarked a supplier, it will be added directly in the Bookmarks page.
To view an organisation’s profile, click the organization name.
Removing a bookmark in the PROFILE page.
To remove a bookmark, follow the steps below.
- Click the organisation's name.
- Click the bookmark icon.
Removing a bookmark from the BOOKMARKS page.
To remove a bookmark, follow the steps below.
- Click under the ACTION column.
A confirmation pops-up. - Click YES.
02/ Bookmarking your Profile
To bookmark your Profile, follow the steps below.
- Click PROFILE on the left navigation.
- Click to add bookmark.
Note: The bookmark changes to when added. - Click BOOKMARKS.
Step result: Your profile is now added.
Viewing Profile
To view PROFILE from the bookmark page, click the organization name.
Removing a bookmark from the BOOKMARKS page.
To remove a bookmark from the Bookmark’s page, follow the steps below.
- Clickunder the ACTION column.
A confirmation pop-up. - Click YES.
Removing a bookmark in the PROFILE page.
To remove a bookmark, follow the steps below.
- Click PROFILE on the left navigation.
- Click the bookmark icon.
Step result: You have removed the bookmark.