ZDHC Gateway allows Brands to export data about their Supplier connections, including an overview of the Supplier profile, their high-level performance details (Performance InCheck, ClearStream and Supplier to Zero status) and information about the established connections.
Follow the steps below to download the Supplier Connections export:
- Click CONNECTIONS on the left navigation bar and select Supplier.
- Under the My Connections tab, you will find the list of your Supplier connections. Check the box next to any Supplier(s) you would like to export the data for. Note: if you want to download an export for all of your Supplier connections, check the top box. The screen will show how many connections are selected and in case there is more than one page available, an option to Select the entire # connections will appear.
- Once at least one Supplier connection is selected, the Export Selected button will appear in the top right corner. Click Export Selected and choose Connections for a complete overview of your Suppliers, including their profile and performance data status. Note: the Organisation List export provides contact information of your connected Suppliers.
- The export will download automatically in an Excel format.