The Signatory Friend of ZDHC category refers to brands, retailers, online-retailers or intermediates (sourcing agents/importers and exporters). Brands, retailers and online retailers can join as Signatory Friend of ZDHC - Brand and intermediates as Signatory Friend of ZDHC - Vendor. Friends can use the ZDHC Gateway to connect with their suppliers and view their input and output performance data.
What are the specific eligibility requirements for Friend of ZDHC - Brand?
By becoming a Signatory Friend of ZDHC a company confirms that it:
- Understands and as a company, aligns with the ZDHC mission, vision and purpose.
- Agrees to support the work of ZDHC, through using the ZDHC Roadmap to Zero Programme’s Solutions and Platforms.
- Agrees to adopt and implement the ZDHC MRSL into its supply chain.