Once you connected with your Brand partner on the ZDHC Gateway, you may first establish the desired supply chain Transparency Level by following the steps described here.
As soon as you connect to your Brand partner on the platform, they can access your Vendor to Zero reports via the Data Hub. You can also generate the reports on your side. You may find the step-by-step instructions for using the Data Hub as well as the report examples in this article.
The difference between Transparency Level 1 and Transparency Levels 2-3 is reflected in the Vendor Management Summary report (PDF or Excel) data.
For the PDF version of the Management Summary report, Transparency Level 1 shows the data of all of your connected Suppliers in sections Profiles, Supplier to Zero, InCheck Solutions and ClearStream. The Transparency Levels 2-3 reports show Brand-specific Supplier data in those sections. This means that you marked this amount of Suppliers as Brand-specific to the Brand partner.
Similarly, in the Excel version of the Management Summary report, the data in the columns U-AO varies per Transparency Level:
- Transparency Level 1 shows data from all of your connected Suppliers
- Transparency Level 2-3 shows Brand-specific data (calculated from Column T Suppliers only)
The Vendor Suppliers report (in PDF or Excel) is available for Transparency Level 3 only, and this is the main difference between Transparency Level 2 and Transparency Level 3 data.
Read more about the data available via the Vendor to Zero reports here.
The Latest Vendor Management Summary report reflects the data from the previous month, as captured on the 1st of the current month. For example, when generating a report on July 18th, the data will be shown for the whole month of June, as captured on July 1st.
The Vendor Suppliers report shows the most recent data available for the Suppliers.
The “Unanswered Connection Requests” under All Connections in the Vendor Management Summary report includes all Supplier connection requests sent by and to your organisation.
The “Has not performed testing” under ClearStream in the Vendor Management Summary report includes your connected Suppliers (either all for Transparency Level 1 or Brand-specific for Transparency Level 2-3) who:
- subscribed but didn’t test in the last 12 months;
- didn’t subscribe to ClearStream at all.