For the qualitative section, click 'Evaluation' under Resource Efficiency on the ZDHC Supplier Platform. Please read the self-evaluation questions and their explanations carefully.
You may reply with one of the following options:
'(Fully) completed' if you know the item in the question is implemented at your facility.
'Not completed yet' if you have not implemented this item (yet) or are unsure whether you have implemented what the question requires. Selecting this option will unlock recommendations with guidance on how to implement the required measures.
'Not Applicable' if the question does not apply to your facility. This option is not available for mandatory questions.
It is strongly recommended to complete the evaluation for an entire chapter before starting to work on the respective recommendations. The recommendations overview section will show all the recommendations unlocked from the evaluation.
Note: You can change your answers to the questions at any time before submitting your evaluation. Once your evaluation has been submitted, you can no longer make adjustments.
For the quantitative section, click 'consumption' under ‘Resource Efficiency’ in the ZDHC Supplier Platform. Here you can select the year for which you would like to add data. It is also possible to fill in data retrospectively. Per category, you first fill in the source and unit of measure (UoM), followed by the monthly- or yearly consumption data. If different sources are applicable, add a new row by clicking 'add row’. When all data is entered, click 'save all'.
When all consumption data is entered, the 'GHG Reporting Section' provides an overview of your yearly consumption data and CO2 emissions per category. When you have finished inputting the year’s data, click ‘submit’ to lock and finalise your work. Once this is done, the data can be shared with relevant stakeholders.