The Supplier Platform contains various modules and sections that can be accessed through the navigation menu. The navigation bar at the top shows the ZDHC Supplier Platform logo (a blue hexagonal factory icon) and the SUPPLIER text. The following elements are available:
Supplier to Zero
The Supplier to Zero section features a navigation bar with the following options: Dashboard, Evaluation, Recommendations, and File Uploads.
Dashboard: The dashboard shows the facility's progress in the respective Supplier to Zero Level.
Recommendations: See unlocked recommendations here. Implement them to improve on sustainable chemical management practices and confirm the respective implementation.
- Evaluation: Start the evaluation of your facility! Unlock improvement recommendations if they have not yet been implemented.
File Uploads: Add files and upload supportive documents.
Man-made Cellulosic Fibre
This section includes a navigation menu with Dashboard, Evaluation, and File Uploads options.
Man-made Cellulosic Fibre: The dashboard shows the facility's progress in the MMCF evaluation.
Evaluation: Start the evaluation of your facility!
File Uploads: Add files and upload supportive documents.
Resource Efficiency
The Resource Efficiency section provides a navigation menu with: Dashboard, Evaluation, Recommendations, CO₂ Calculator, CO₂ Target, and CO₂ Report options.
Dashboard: The dashboard shows the facility's progress in the Resource Efficiency Module.
Evaluation: Start the Resource Efficiency evaluation of your facility! Unlock over 550 recommendations to save on resources if they have not yet been implemented.
Recommendations: See unlocked recommendations here. Implement them to save on resources and confirm the respective implementation.
CO2 Calculator: Enter your facility's resource consumption.
- CO2 Target: Set your facility's greenhouse gas emission reduction targets based on your consumption.
CO2 Report: See your facility's yearly emissions!
Effluent Treatment
The Effluent Treatment section features a navigation menu with Dashboard, Evaluation, Recommendations, and File Uploads options.
Dashboard: The dashboard shows the facility's progress in the Effluent Treatment Module.
Evaluation: Start the evaluation of your facility!
- Recommendations: See unlocked recommendations here. Implement them to improve effluent treatment practices and confirm the respective implementation.
File Uploads: Add files and upload supportive documents.
Use Cases
The Use Cases section provides a navigation menu with three options: Dashboard, Public Use Cases, and Own Use Cases.
Dashboard: The dashboard with all information a facility needs about Use Cases
Public Use Cases: Have a look at the published Use Cases to learn more about how facilities can improve operations. Get inspired and discover what idle potential can be unleashed and what benefits can be reaped!
Own Use Cases: Lead by example and set the bar for others. By submitting your facility's Use Cases, you can gain recognition, visibility and buyer interest. Show others how your facility was able to master challenges and get the chance to present your facility's success story at one of ZDHC's renowned conferences.
To access the Library section:
1. In the top navigation bar, locate and click the Help menu (indicated by an information "i" icon)
2. From the dropdown menu, select "LIBRARY" from the available options which include LIBRARY, ZDHC KNOWLEDGE BASE, and ROADMAP TO ZERO
Once in the Library page, have a look at the Guidance Sheets and improvement resources.
Note: Not all modules are accessible to all facilities. To learn more about this, read the following article: Which modules are available to facilities?