This guide will show you how to search for chemical products by following the steps below.
- Click SEARCH on the left vertical tab.
- Click a substrate.
Note: The categories of the substrate will be shown below.
- Filter products by MRSL Conformance, Chemicals to Zero Conformance, substrate, use category, use type, certification standard, issued after date, expires before date, and brand filter by selecting from the left panel as needed.
There are eight ways to maximize the use of a filter located on the left pane of the Search page.
1. For Type, when you have selected Browse by Substrate, the product option is automatically checked. |
2. For the MRSL Conformance, the list of ZDHC Manufacturing Restricted Substances List (MRSL) versions is shown. Each certificate has its version and level. Choose between the options available.
3. For the CtZ Conformance Level, the list of Chemicals to Zero Conformance levels is shown. Choose between the options available. |
4. For Substrate, select between the available substrates, e.g. adhesives, foams, leather, rubber, synthetic, or textile. |
4. For Use Category, select the category applicable to the product you are looking for. |
5. For Use Type, select the type available under the category. |
6. For the Certification Standard, the list contains all certifications on ZDHC. There is also the Passed option for each certificate. Select between the certificates. |
7. For Issued After and Expires Before, input the dates on either of these two filters. |
8. For Brand Filter, choose between all the filters you created.
The products filtered are shown on the right pane of the Search page.
Note: You can directly search for a Product ID, Formulator name or Product name by entering it in the Search panel.