As a ZDHC Approved MRSL Certifier, you can approve or decline chemical product certification information that are uploaded by our formulator. This is to ensure chemical product data in ZDHC Gateway is reliable and are verified by ZDHC Approved MRSL Certifiers.
Note: All MRSL Certifier should only approve products with a product name and formulator names that exactly match between ZDHC Gateway and product certifications.
Let’s get started!
- Click VERIFICATION on the left navigation.
This page shows you the information of the chemical product and the certificates that were uploaded by the formulators.
- Click on the file icon to open the preview
- Review the certificate without the need to download it
- Choose between these actions:
Approve - Verified
Note: Approve-Unverified does not apply to you.Decline
Here are the Verification statuses:
- Approved - Verified – Certification was verified and approved by the MRSL Certifier who issued the Certificate.
- Approved - Unverified- Certificate passed preliminary review from ZDHC Data Bureau, but was not verified yet. This category was used for MRSL Certifiers who did not have access to ZDHC Gateway.
Note: Please do not use it if you already have access to ZDHC Gateway - Declined – Certificate did not pass the review for several possible reasons (e.g., Product or Formulator Name did not match the name reflected in the Certificate, etc.). The reason for declination will be provided in the Declined Reason for each Product.
- On Hold – This status is only used if there are details in the Certificate that needs clarification before proceeding for a review.
Pending – Certificate is pending for review.
You can also download an excel file by clicking DOWNLOAD. It is highly recommended to log into the system and approve products weekly. You can always decline a chemical product after you approve.