What actions should stakeholders take during the transition period between Wastewater Guidelines updates?
During the transition period, all stakeholders are expected to update their respective policy statements (e.g. chemical management policy) and communicate this to their internal and external stakeholders by referencing the ZDHC Wastewater Guidelines (with the current version number) to set clear expectations.
During implementation, steps must be taken to put adoption decisions into action. These steps could be, but are not limited to training, testing, tracking of results through ClearStream Report, etc. During this implementation period:
Samplers: Upon completion of successful training, sample against ZDHC Wastewater Guidelines V2.2
ZDHC Approved Wastewater Laboratories: Test and report against ZDHC Wastewater Guidelines V2.2
Test against ZDHC Wastewater Guidelines V2.2
Review their policies and guidebooks.
Ensure references are made to the latest version of the ZDHC Wastewater Guidelines and not a specific version.
Accept ZDHC ClearStream Report V2.0
Review their policies and guidebooks.
Ensure references are made to the latest version of the ZDHC Wastewater Guidelines and not a specific version.
Since V2.2 is an update that doesn’t require a transition period, re-approvals or changes of process, ZDHC decided to provide the minor adaptive steps needed from stakeholders in the form of a Knowledge Base article.