Where can I find the ZDHC Air Emissions Guidelines and related topics?
What is the scope of the ZDHC Air Emissions Guidelines?
In scope:
• VOC emissions from chemical inventory used in production processes in apparel, textile, leather and footwear facilities as per Appendix B
• GHG Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions
Out of scope:
• Sampling, analytical testing and occupational health & safety testing
• Wastewater / ETP emissions to air
• Sludge emissions to air
• MMCF production (please refer to ZDHC MMCF Guidelines V2.2 for applicable air emissions criteria)
• Chemical manufacturing
What is the difference between the ZDHC Air Emissions Guidelines V1.0 and the ZDHC Air Emissions Position paper, and how do they co-ordinate together?
The ZDHC Air Emissions Position Paper was published in 2019 and set the scene on air emissions for the industry. There are no requirements set out by the position paper.
The ZDHC Air Emissions Guidelines V1.0 follows on from the position paper, supporting suppliers to gain data to understand their current performance level. And to guide them in establishing and implementing effective VOC emissions practices to progress from Foundational up to Aspirational Level.
Version 1.0 of the guidelines is not focused on testing but it will follow later in future versions.
What is a supplier expected to do from the ZDHC Air Emissions Guidelines V1.0?
Suppliers are expected to read and understand the guidelines. Then calculate their baseline and continually monitor their air emission discharges, recording the data onto the ZDHC platform.
The Standard Implementation Plan document outlines the expectations and details can be found in the Air Emissions Guidelines themselves.
What is a brand expected to do from the ZDHC Air Emissions Guidelines V1.0?
Brands are expected to share these guidelines with their supply chain, requesting their suppliers to discover their baseline and monitor their VOCs and GHGs.
The Standard Implementation Plan document outlines the expectations and details can be found in the Air Emissions Guidelines themselves.
Why is greenhouse gas emissions not a main focus of the ZDHC Air Emissions Guidelines V1.0?
ZDHC recognises that other like-minded organisations collate greenhouse gas (GHG) data. We do not want to cause duplication, so if a supplier is already collecting GHG data on another platform, they should continue with that.
However, ZDHC also provides a platform for suppliers that have previously not collected this data to input GHG data.
What are Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions?
Scope 1 and Scope 2 are categories used to classify greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions for reporting and accounting purposes More details can be found in the guidance provided by the GHG Protocol.
Scope 1 emissions are direct GHG emissions that occur from sources owned or controlled by an organisation, including:
Emissions from stationary combustion, such as boilers and furnaces
Mobile combustion emissions from company-owned vehicles
Fugitive emissions, like refrigerant leaks from air conditioning units
Process emissions from industrial processes and on-site manufacturing
Scope 2 emissions are indirect GHG emissions associated with the purchase and use of electricity, steam, heat, or cooling.
They result from energy consumption but occur at the facility where the energy is generated.
For most organisations, electricity consumption is the primary source of Scope 2 emissions.
These emissions are considered indirect because the organisation doesn't own or control the energy generation sources.
How do I access the ZDHC platform to input my data for air emissions?
The platform is currently being built, we plan to have this available for suppliers to input data in the beginning of 2025.
We ask suppliers to keep records of their data themselves whilst we wait for the launch.
Are air emissions evaluated in the Supplier to Zero assessment?
Not currently. Version 1.0 of the ZDHC Air Emissions Guidelines just focuses on collating data and understanding baselines. There is no requirement for testing or evaluation at this time.
Nonetheless, on VOC emissions, Version 1.0 provides clear expectations in differentiating Foundational, Progressive and Aspirational Performance Levels. The data is self-reported by a supplier and results will be available for review by brands.
The ZDHC Air Emissions Guidelines will only be implemented on the Supplier Platform and Supplier to Zero in the beginning of 2025.
What should a MMCF supplier do regarding air emissions, as they are out of scope of the ZDHC Air Emissions Guidelines V1.0?
MMCF facilities are out of scope of the ZDHC Air Emission Guidelines V1.0. They should follow the MMCF Guidelines V2.2, (Chapter 3 - ZDHC MMCF Air Emissions Guidelines V2.2)
What other issues will ZDHC address with the release of ZHDC Air Emissions Guidelines v1.0 and future versions?
i. Occupational health hazards from the Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs).
ii. Climate change due to Green House Gas (GHG) emissions.
ZDHC's Air Emissions Competence Centre will develop frameworks, guidelines, and tools to monitor VOCs and GHG emissions in the textile industry. By leveraging chemical management as a decarbonisation strategy, ZDHC aims to reduce the industry's impact on worker health, safety, and climate change.