What are commodity chemicals?
Commodity chemicals are single substances or chemical compounds whose chemical structure is well-known, have a single CAS number and their use is to create conditions or act as an aid in a process. Two commodity chemicals produced by different manufacturers can be the same and can be interchangeable. Commodity chemicals usually do not stay on the final article.
You can find a list of commodity chemicals in the scope of the ZDHC MRSL in the Commodity Chemical Guide V1.0 Appendix A.
What should I do about commodity chemicals as a supplier?
Suppliers are responsible for reviewing their commodity chemical sellers/vendors. To minimise the risk associated with the MRSL-listed chemical contamination of commodity chemicals they should:
Familiarise themselves with the ZDHC Commodity Chemical Guide V1.0 and implement best practices
Request self-declarations from all their commodity chemical sellers/vendors.
Conduct an evaluation of commodity chemical sellers/vendors.
If possible, educate the commodity chemical sellers about the ZDHC MRSL and its requirements.
What should I do about commodity chemicals as a brand?
Brands are expected to share the ZDHC Commodity Chemical Guide V1.0 with their supply chain, create awareness about this guide, and request suppliers to embed best practices for managing commodity chemicals within their facilities.
How should I use this guide to minimise the risk from commodity chemicals?
To minimise the risk of ZDHC MRSL associated with commodity chemicals suppliers should do the following:
Evaluate their commodity chemical vendors to know the A, B and C types of vendors as explained in the guide (including self-declaration followed by evaluation). As a general rule, Type A vendors are typically preferred as the risk of ZDHC MRSL-contaminated commodity chemicals is low.
During the storage and handling of commodity chemicals, suppliers should implement best practices as explained in the CMS-TIG guide and Commodity Chemicals Guide. This will prevent cross-contamination within the facility.
In cases where the Clearstream Report shows non-conformance and the root cause could not be found by traditional methods, suspected commodity chemicals can be tested as required for RCA/CAP.
What is the implementation date for the Commodity Chemical Guide V1.0?
Currently, the implementation of this guide is planned for the year 2025. Further updates will be communicated to our stakeholders in due course.