Purchasing product vouchers on the Voucher Platform is a streamlined process, designed to enable users to efficiently acquire the vouchers they need for ZDHC Solutions and Services. Below is a step-by-step guide to assist you in purchasing product vouchers, starting from the moment you navigate to the Voucher Platform.
Step-by-Step Guide to Purchasing Product Vouchers
Navigating to the Voucher Platform: Begin by logging into your ZDHC account. Once logged in, you'll be ready to start the purchase process.
Accessing the Product Page: In the top navigation of the Voucher Platform, locate and click on 'Buy Vouchers'. This action will redirect you to the product page, where you can browse through all available categories and products that can be purchased.
Learning About Products: Each product has a 'View details' option on the product page. Clicking on this will provide more information about the product, including its costs and other relevant details. This is a critical step to ensure you're fully informed about the products you want to purchase.
Selecting Quantity and Adding to Cart: Once you've decided on a product, navigate to the bottom of the product page. Here, you can specify the quantity of the product you wish to purchase and then click 'Add to Cart'. This will add the selected products/services to your shopping cart, ready for checkout.
Initiating the Checkout Process: Click the cart icon in the platform's top-right corner to proceed with your purchase. This will take you to the checkout process, where you can review your selected products, make final adjustments, and confirm your purchase.