All open focus groups still accepting applications to participate can be found on the ZDHC intranet.
We also announce any new ‘Call to Actions’ for a focus group in our monthly stakeholder newsletter.
To apply to join a focus group please complete the Asana form relevant to the required focus group. These can be found from the focus group Call to Action on the ZDHC intranet or within the monthly stakeholder newsletter.
To support ZDHC formulate new documentation shared with our wider ZDHC community e.g. guidelines, guides, protocols etc.
This can include (relevant to the focus group topic):
Proposing technical and technological content e.g. test methods, legislation, applicabilities etc.
Defining best practices
Identifying new innovations within the industry
Proposing achievable limits
Reviewing and providing feedback on drafts formulated by ZDHC
Providing specific industry/regional information
Propose and introduce experts to further support on the project
Participants will be expected to work on these requirements throughout the duration of the project, proposing relevant information as required.
Anyone within the ZDHC Committed Community (all Signatories) can apply to join an open focus group.
On some occasions an expert in a specific topic, who does not work for a ZDHC Signatory, may be allowed to join the focus group based on a Signatory or ZDHC recommendation.
All applications are reviewed by the ZDHC Competence Centre Technical Manager, who assesses the candidate based on their skill set and knowledge relevant for the group.
ZDHC Competence Centre Technical Managers review the Asana applications, and approve participants to join the focus group that have relevant knowledge or skill set to complete the project.
A ZDHC focus group must have at least six members (excluding ZDHC staff) to proceed with a project.
There must not be more than 20 members in a ZDHC focus group.
Active Engagement: Participants are expected to actively engage in discussions and contribute their thoughts, ideas, and expertise.
Confidentiality: Confidentiality is crucial in working groups. Participants must respect and maintain the confidentiality of sensitive information shared within the group.
Punctuality: Participants should strive to meet deadlines, respond promptly to communication, and actively participate in scheduled meetings or discussions.
Attendance: Regular attendance is expected in group meetings, and if unable to attend, participants should notify the group in advance and catch up on any missed discussions or materials by accessing the intranet to check meeting minutes and/or recordings.
Accountability: Participants are responsible for fulfilling any assigned tasks, completing agreed-upon deliverables, communicating any challenges or concerns that may affect their ability to contribute, and react to communication in a timely manner.
Respectful communication: Participants should maintain a respectful and an inclusive tone when interacting with others, promoting a positive and collaborative environment.
Constructive feedback: When providing feedback, participants should aim to be constructive, offering suggestions or alternative solutions to improve the group's work
- Solution orientated: Seek to gain a consensus always
- Assume good intentions: Listen to other viewpoints and be open to learn from others.
- No solicitation: Do not seek to gain business within, or from contacts made in the meetings.
Once the focus group is formed the RtZ Delivery Team will be in touch to share the Focus Group Protocol.
ZDHC highly encourages members to actively participate in the focus group not only attending the call but to engage actively in the conversations and providing your valuable feedback. However there are many skill sets and different areas of knowledge that can benefit a project, so you may have more to give than you realise.
If a participant is not able to join a scheduled meeting then they should inform the ZDHC RtZ Delivery team or Technical Manager that they will be unable to attend the meeting, and arrange to catch up at another time convenient to both the participant and ZDHC Technical Manager.
All meeting notes and recordings of meetings are saved on the intranet, participants are expected to review these if they have not been able to attend the meeting, this should be done before the next meeting.
The frequency of meetings is dependent on the project. This will be determined at the kick-off of the project. The average is either once a week or every other week.
Engagement expected from participants is usually from two to three hours a month, including the focus group calls, collection and preparation of requested information (when necessary).
If a participant is in a different region from the majority of the group, the participant must commit to catching up with the ZDHC Technical Manager & provide input the same as region participants.
A participant may be dismissed from the focus group for the following reasons.
Communication silence from the participant - No feedback, no attendance at two or more calls with no communication sent.
Regional challenges - if the participant is not able to allocate focus group calls in their schedule and timezone, and fails to catch up on a 1:1 basis with the ZDHC Technical Manager.
- Breach of the confidentiality obligations imposed on the focus group participants.
Before the above points are reached, ZDHC will contact the participant to discuss challenges with the view to increase engagement. If engagement is still not increased then the participant will be removed from the focus group.
A participant can resign from the focus group at any time. we request that you give two weeks' notice when resigning. If you wish to resign from a focus group please contact the Rtz Delivery Team and/or relevant ZDHC Technical Manager.
Where a dismissal occurs ZDHC may select another applicant to take their place. There should be no interruption to the project or change of deadline.