The Data Hub on the ZDHC Gateway allows Vendors to view the available data of all Suppliers they are connected to within a central place. This includes the Suppliers’ InCheck reports, ClearStream reports and Supplier to Zero Certificates and can be exported easily via the Data Hub. In addition, you can generate your own Vendor to Zero reports.
Follow the guide below for step-by-step instructions on using the Data Hub.
01 / Downloading reports and certificates via the Data Hub
- Click DATA HUB on the left navigation panel.
- Select the report or certificate you would like to generate.
- Select the Date Range from the drop-down. Latest shows the most recent reports and certificates, History shows all available historic reports and certificates from a selected time period, and Custom allows you to select and download specific reports additionally.
- Select the File Type from the drop-down. The options include different file formats (e.g. PDF and Excel) and reports with different content (e.g. InCheck report or CI - Chemical Inventory).
- Select the Supplier(s) you would like to generate the report/certificate for. You can use the Search bar and filters to find the right Supplier or select all Suppliers.
After clicking on GENERATE, you will the following pop-up message at the top of the page:
When your report or certificate becomes available, you will be notified via the email and in-system notifications. - You can also click on the Downloads tab to check the status of your report/certificate. At first, the Status column reads Processing. Once the download is finished, the Status changes to Success.
- Click on
button to download the report/certificate file.
02/ The Vendor to Zero reports
As a Vendor on ZDHC Gateway, you can run the Vendor Management Summary and Vendor Suppliers reports for an easy summary of your supply chain's performance to share with your Brand partners.
To generate the Vendor reports, please follow the steps outlined in section 01/ Downloading reports and certificates via the Data Hub above. The only difference is that instead of selecting the Suppliers to run the report for, you will be able to select among your Brand partners.
A/ The Vendor Management Summary Reports in PDF
The Vendor to Zero Management Summary report at Transparency Level 1 in PDF includes the following information:
- Your organisation's details: name, ZDHC AID, contact, email address and address.
- Report Month: which month the reporting data corresponds to.
- Report Generated: date and time when the report was generated on the ZDHC Gateway.
- All Connections graph: the overall amount of Supplier connections and invites you have; the breakdown of already connected Suppliers, unanswered connection requests (sent by and to you) and unanswered invitation requests (sent by you to Suppliers).
- Profiles: the amount and percentage of your connected Suppliers that filled out Industry Sector, Materials, Processes and Processes Specification in their profiles.
- Supplier to Zero graph: the breakdown of your Suppliers by their Supplier to Zero status (Unregistered, Registered, Foundational, Progressive, Aspirational).
- InCheck Solutions graph: the amount of your Suppliers that subscribed to InCheck Solutions, including the breakdown of how many have Verified InCheck Level 2 (not older than 12 months), Verified InCheck Level 1 (not older than 12 months), Performance InCheck (not older than 6 months), how many subscribed but didn't generate Performance InCheck and how many didn't subscribe to InCheck Solutions.
- ClearStream graph: the amount of your Suppliers who have had a ClearStream report in the last 12 months, including the breakdown of those who met requirements, didn't meet requirements without Corrective Action Plan (CAP), didn't meet requirements but have a CAP. Note: the value under Has not performed testing includes both those not subscribed to ClearStream at all and those who are subscribed but did not test in the last 12 months.
An example Transparency Level 1 Vendor Management Summary Report in PDF:
The main difference between Transparency Level 1 and Transparency Level 2 or 3 Vendor Management Summary PDF reports is that the Supplier data in sections Profiles, Supplier to Zero, InCheck Solutions and ClearStream is Brand-specific for Transparency Level 2 or 3. This means that you marked this amount of Suppliers as Brand-specific to the Brand partner you generated the report for.
An example Transparency Level 2 Vendor Management Summary Report in PDF:
An example Transparency Level 3 Vendor Management Summary Report in PDF:
B/ The Vendor Management Summary Reports in Excel
The Vendor Management Summary report can also be generated in Excel format. It will include the following columns:
- Columns A-B: reporting year and month.
- Columns C-H: the Brand's details you generated the report for.
- Columns I-N: your details.
- Column O: Transparency Level you established with the Brand.
- Columns P-S: your Supplier Connections breakdown.
- Column T: Number of Suppliers managed by you for this Brand. Note: only available at Transparency Level 2 or 3.
- Columns U-X: Breakdown of your connected Suppliers based on their profile being filled out.
- Columns Y-AC: InCheck Solutions breakdown of your connected Suppliers.
- Columns AD-AJ: ClearStream breakdown of your connected Suppliers.
- Columns AK-AO: Supplier to Zero breakdown of your connected Suppliers.
Important note: Columns U-AO vary per Transparency Level:
- Transparency Level 1 shows data from all of your connected Suppliers,
- Transparency Level 2-3 shows Brand-specific data (calculated from Column T Suppliers only).
C/ The Vendor Suppliers Reports
The main difference between Transparency Level 2 and Transparency Level 3 is the availability of the Vendor Suppliers report exclusively for Transparency Level 3.
This report can be generated in PDF and Excel formats and includes the details of the connected Suppliers you assigned to the Brand, namely:
- Supplier Name and AID;
- Their Industry Sector and Processes;
- The dates of the last Performance InCheck, Verified InCheck Level 1 and Verified InCheck Level 2 reports the Supplier performed;
- The date of the last ClearStream report;
- Whether the RCA/CAP is available (if applicable);
- Their Supplier to Zero Status.