What is the ZDHC MRSL Conformance Guidance?
ZDHC MRSL Conformance Guidance explains the process and requirements of organisations that want to become a ZDHC Approved MRSL Certifier. It also explains the criteria for conformance of a chemical formulation to the ZDHC Manufacturing Restricted Substances List (MRSL) and how it is transitioned in the ZDHC Gateway.
You can find more information on ZDHC MRSL Conformance Guidance here.
What are the different ZDHC MRSL conformance levels?
There are three levels (1,2,3) of ZDHC MRSL conformance. These give a confidence rating that the ZDHC MRSL requirements will be met consistently as we go from Level 1 to 3. More details about the practices at the formulator are available at higher levels, demonstrating continuous production of chemical formulations according to responsible manufacturing practices and consistent conformance to the applicable ZDHC MRSL Guidelines.
You can find more information on ZDHC MRSL Conformance levels here.
Does ZDHC certify chemical products to indicate ZDHC MRSL conformance?
No. ZDHC neither certifies the chemical products nor issues a certificate of compliance for them. It's ZDHC Approved MRSL Certifiers that certify the chemical products and provide relevant conformance certificates to indicate ZDHC MRSL conformance. The ZDHC Foundation only reviews information on third-party (independent) certification bodies and certification standards, which ZDHC accepts (based on a review of their processes) as indicators of certifications for ZDHC MRSL conformance. Please see ZDHC Approved MRSL Certifiers for more information.
Who can certify my chemical products to show ZDHC MRSL Conformance?
A ZDHC Approved MRSL Certifier can certify your chemical products to show ZDHC MRSL conformance. Please contact the ZDHC-approved MRSL Certifier for more information. You can find the list of ZDHC Approved MRSL Certifiers here.
Does a chemical product need to earn a certificate at each level before getting one for the next level?
No. A chemical product can be certified at the desired level. Level 3 can be obtained without having obtained Level 1 or 2 first.
The ZDHC MRSL Conformance Guidance V2.1 clearly outlines the criteria to be fulfilled for each ZDHC MRSL level. The principles of Level 1 are included in Level 2, and the principles of Levels 1 and 2 are included in Level 3. This means that if a formulator feels that they can satisfy the criteria of Level 2, they can directly apply for ZDHC MRSL Level 2 conformance with the ZDHC Approved MRSL certifier for that conformance level. Similarly, if a formulator feels that they can satisfy the criteria of Level 3, they can directly apply for ZDHC MRSL Level 3 conformance with the ZDHC Approved MRSL certifier for that conformance level and get the ZDHC MRSL Level 3 certification for their products.