How can I cancel my booking for a training session and how does it work?
To cancel your registration, send an email to the ATP hosting the session to inform them. The ATP will confirm the cancellation and update your session status to cancelled.
Please note it is not possible to receive a refund for the training directly from ZDHC. Each ATP has a cancellation policy, therefore, make sure to connect with the ATP hosting the session to learn more about the payment conditions for training sessions.
What happens if an ATP cancels a training session?
In the unfortunate case where an ATP has to cancel a training session, the ATP will contact all affected learners at the earliest opportunity, stating the reason(s) why training has been cancelled. The ATP will provide an alternative training session and/or details of their payment conditions. Either way, the ATP is responsible for resolving the issue with you directly.
I can’t remember which sessions I booked, can I find them somewhere?
All of your booked sessions can be found under Dashboard in the main menu. You can see which sessions you have registered for and find a summary of the ones you have already completed.
Where can I find details on the training(s) I have completed?
Go to Dashboard in the main menu to see which training sessions were booked, cancelled, or attended. For any sessions you attended, a certificate is available for download after you have completed and passed the exam.