When do I have to test only according to ZDHC Wastewater Guidelines V2.2?
The ZDHC Wastewater Guidelines V2.2 is applicable from the testing cycle of October 2024. This means that the wastewater test reports uploaded in the Supplier’s Gateway account from 1st November 2024 should be as per the ZDHC Wastewater Guidelines V2.2 only.
If the facility didn't have a flow rate, how does it define 15m3 per day?
The wastewater discharged from a facility needs to be monitored through a flowmeter that is installed at the point of discharge from the facility. In many countries this is a legal requirement, the amount of wastewater discharged by the facility should meet the sanctioned volume given in the 'License to Operate'. Where flowmeters are not installed, then the facility should take action to install. Based on the readings of the flowmeter over a 6-hour timeframe, the sampler will determine if the facility’s wastewater discharge is below or above the threshold volume of 15m3 per day.
What is the impact of the ZDHC Wastewater Guidelines for suppliers?
The goal of the wastewater guidance is to eliminate the discharge of hazardous chemicals in the textile, apparel, leather, and footwear industries. Having one, single expectation makes it easier for suppliers to implement guidance and therefore accomplish this goal. For suppliers an aligned set of metrics, rather than multiple overlapping brand requirements, reduces testing. Following the 3 levels; Foundational, Progressive, and Aspirational limits, suppliers are able to demonstrate their continuous improvements over time.
Will all brands and retailers accept wastewater test reports that are carried out in accordance with the ZDHC Wastewater Guidelines?
Having a single expectation for wastewater quality for the supply chain makes it easier for suppliers to understand their customer’s needs and conform to the ZDHC Wastewater Guidelines. It is the explicit goal and expectation of the ZDHC community that the tests are accepted by everyone. That makes it possible to reduce the burden by not requiring individual, customised sampling and testing methods or reporting limits.
What happens if a facility does not conform to the ZDHC Wastewater Guidelines e.g. a tested conventional parameter fails to meet the Foundational limit?
Where there are non-conformances within the ClearStream Report the facility is expected to develop a Root Cause Analysis (RCA) followed by a Corrective Action Plan (CAP) (with a defined completion date) and submit these in the ZDHC Gateway – Wastewater Module.
Where can I find a ZDHC Approved Wastewater Laboratory to test my wastewater?
To support the implementation of the ZDHC Wastewater Guidelines in the value chain and to ensure a consistent level of data quality, ZDHC has established the ZDHC Laboratory and Certifier Approval Programme. Only ZDHC Approved Wastewater Laboratories, that have been approved to test against the ZDHC Wastewater Guidelines, can; perform sampling, testing, and report results into the ZDHC Gateway. These Laboratories must strictly follow both “the ZDHC Wastewater Guidelines” and “the ZDHC Wastewater and Sludge Laboratory Sampling and Analysis Plan (SAP)”, which provides a detailed framework for laboratories to determine the concentration of parameters in wastewater and sludge. Please click this link to find ZDHC Approved Wastewater Laboratories in your region (https://downloads.roadmaptozero.com/output/WW-labs).
If I directly discharge my wastewater to a Central Effluent Treatment Plant (CETP), do I need to inform the CETP to align with ZDHC Wastewater Guidelines?
ZDHC Wastewater Guidelines is not applicable for Central Effluent Treatment Plant (CETPs). It is only applicable for facility discharge. Facilities that discharge wastewater to Central Effluent Treatment Plant (CETPs) with or without pretreatment should test their untreated wastewater, effluent, and sludge as applicable only for relevant parameters as per ZDHC Wastewater Guidelines V2.2 based on their discharge volumes.
No. It does not depend on the size of the facility. It depends only on the discharge type and daily discharge volume of industrial wastewater as below.
What changes have been made regarding sludge documentation in ZDHC Wastewater Guidelines V2.2? And what actions are needed from a supplier?
The requirements for sludge documentation are already outlined in the Sludge Reference Document V1.0 under each sludge disposal pathway. However, sludge documentation is now included as a mandatory requirement in the ZDHC Wastewater Guidelines V2.2 to give more credibility to the supplier's major sludge disposal pathway. It is the supplier’s responsibility to document the details as per the suggested sludge documentation template in the guidelines.
The supplier should follow the below:
Download the sludge documentation template from the ZDHC Wastewater Guidelines V2.2.
Collect all information on the disposal pathway in case the sludge is disposed by an external contractor.
Fill in the required details as mentioned in the sludge documentation template for the facility’s major pathway, with the signature of the authorised personnel from the facility.
Submit the signed copy of sludge documentation to the ZDHC Approved Wastewater Testing Laboratory before the day of sampling, or to the Sampler on the day (who will upload the sludge documentation template in ZDHC Gateway supplier account).
Is the ZDHC Wastewater Guidelines applicable for facilities that discharge domestic wastewater blends with industrial wastewater?
Yes. If a facility blends domestic wastewater with industrial wastewater, it will be considered as “industrial wastewater”. Therefore, all the parameters in ZDHC Wastewater Guidelines V2.2 based on discharge type and volume will be applicable for that blended wastewater. But in case a facility discharge only domestic wastewater without mixing it with industrial wastewater, then ZDHC Wastewater Guidelines V2.2 is not applicable.